Thursday, September 15, 2016

Out of the three pictures in the assignment I thought that this one was the most interesting and pleasing to the eye. The lack of color really makes you look at the subject and how the photographer frames the picture and presents the subjects.  The picture is both very intriguing and calming.

The photographer does an excellent job of filling the frame with the subject, I think that is especially important since it is a portrait of a couple. All the attention is on those two people.  The lighting in interesting because one subject is mostly illuminated while the other is hidden in shadow except for an eye. The women who is in the light is also looking straight into the camera drawing the viewers attention right to her before their eyes wander to the man.  The man being mostly in shadow and with his arm around her brings the sense of calm and protection to the photo. Overall it is a very well done photograph; the color, position of subject, and lighting all add very good qualities to the picture and together they make it a great composition.

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