Thursday, December 8, 2016


UNFOCUS, Jode Gayle
Digital photography
November 25 - Dec 8, 2016

I went into this project with an open mind and i willingness to create something very different. It was a very organic process and I think that the images produced show that. I learned a lot from just letting the camera be and do its thing.  The organic process is very evident in the final photographs; they show bright colors and abstract shapes that correlate to the world we know.  All 13 photos were taken on the same day in Little Five Points right outside of Atlanta, Georgia. My inspiration came from a conversation with a close friend about how ADD and ADHD affect the way a person processes information sometimes making it harder and longer for them to decipher something than the average person. The goal of this project was to limit the information of the photograph to make it abstract and visually intriguing.


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Willie Doherty

For the emulation project I am choosing Willie Doherty.  He is a modern photographer that also does video installations. His photos are mostly of landscapes including repetitive elements such as shape or color. His photographs are color with deep saturations and dark exposure.  His images include building, cars, and some plant life-  all in some form of decay.  He has a few portraits all very stark and emotionless like his landscapes.  His approach seems a lot more analytical than emotional.

I chose him because I like and admire his very analytical approach.  I think when it comes to art there does not always have to be an emotion or overall message attached. I also really like how he uses saturation and exposure to really draw out details. I hope to focus on repetitive details and the states of decay that objects or landscapes are in.  As well as having similar colors and exposures.